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Kathy Coatney

Kathy Coatney has spent long hours behind the lens of a camera, wading through cow manure, rice paddies and orchards over her twenty-five year career as a photojournalist specializing in agriculture. Kathy loves—and writes—deeply emotional, small-town contemporary romances. Ironically, her books carry an agriculture thread in them, some more than others. Kathy gets her inspiration from movies like While You Were Sleeping, Return To Me, a variety of music, and from her own happily-ever-after. Her favorite place to plot out novels is swinging in a hammock on a warm spring day. Kathy’s favorite things: cuddling by the fire, ice cream, fresh-baked scones, dark chocolate truffles, mochas, and finding outdoor activities for every season, whether it’s swimming, skiing, mountain biking or a quiet stroll through the woods. Kathy’s always been a believer in jumping into the deep end of the pool and learning to swim later, whether it’s venturing into self-publishing, mountain biking or cross-country skiing. Happily married for over thirty-five years, she and her husband have two grown sons, a granddaughter and a new grandbaby on the way and a menagerie of animals—a black lab who thinks she’s human, a house cat that looks part bobcat, and a herd of deer that roam freely on her property. Kathy also writes a series of nonfiction children’s books, From the Farm to the Table and Dad’s Girls. Please note Kathy used to write her romantic fiction under Kate Curran, but now she writes all her books under Kathy Coatney.