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This will assist us to upload all your books from Amazon at once!
Don't have an account? Only As a registered member you can have a free book promotion as part of our "Affiliates Program". Register Now and join our amazing "Affiliates Program for Authors and Publishers" to learn how to market your book!
Fetch eBooks or Audio Book Details from Amazon
By Clicking on the "Fetch Details From Amazon" button, we will fetch all your ebook or audiobook details directly from AMAZON. Or, you can add ASIN to go directly to one of your products.
It's entirely automatic to ease your promotion process and save you time.
Choose A Promotional Method
This is how we can share your book(s) with everyone. You can view and track your promos on your private area and see your books on our website that are available for our readers.
Submit Your eBook or Audiobook promotion
After you click on the Submit button our system will offer you to choose between a free promotion as an affiliates member, or purchasing a package. Once you will have the requested points for the relevant promotion, or if you purchased the deal with real money, we will review your promotion and approve your request.
Wait For An Approval
It's as simple as that - It's the eBookStage way!
At eBookStage we allow you to promote your books automatically, transparently and FREE with our Affiliates Program.
Please note, your listing date must be no earlier than 5 days from now, and no later than 30 days.
Let's Get In Touch
Please Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and invite your friends to like our Facebook Page – we do it for free so all we need is support from you and your social friends.
- High Reviews Rank on Amazon. A minimum of 0 reviews with an average stars rating of 0.0.
- Children’s picture books should be at least 28 pages.
- “Regular Price” with a price of $25.0 or less.
- “Special Price” must be at least 50.0% off or more from the “Regular Price”. For A FREE Promo just put 0.00 in “Special Price”.
- “Book of the Day” with the same title, as long as there is a 30 days gap between promotions.
- “Book of the Day” deals as long as there is a 1 day gap between promotions by the same author.
- For regular promotions, we require a 1 day gap between various titles (same title requires 30 days between promotions) by the same author.
- We do not accept a book cover with a poor quality or additional text. If the image does not meet our quality standards, it may be rejected.
Book Promotion Packages - Prices
We offer a comprehensive solution to get you the maximum exposure for your products.
Standard Package - Free Promotion
Your book will be featured on our website on the 'Free eBooks' and in the relevant 'Category' pages. It will be featured until the deal is off! This package includes the 'Twitter service', 'Facebook service' and will enjoy the 'Main page exposure'.
You can promote your eBook as 'Free Promotion' for free, by using 120 points or by paying $12 with PayPal.
Standard Package - Bargain Promotion
Your book will be featured on our website on the 'All Deals' and in the relevant 'Category' pages. It will be featured until the deal is off! This package includes the 'Twitter service', 'Facebook service' and will enjoy the 'Main page exposure'.
You can promote your eBook as 'Bargain Promotion' for free, by using 100 points or by paying $10 with PayPal.
Standard Package - New Release Promotion
Your book will be featured on our website on the 'New Release eBooks' and in the relevant 'Category' pages. It will be featured until the deal is off! This package includes the 'Twitter service', 'Facebook service' and will enjoy the 'Main page exposure'.
You can promote your eBook as 'New Release' for free, by using 100 points or by paying $10 with PayPal.
Plus Package - Book of The Day Promotion
Your book will be featured on our website on the top slider (main page top location) under the title - "eBook of The Day". It will be featured between 1-5 days (depends on the number of deals at the same day) - Maximum exposure! This package includes the 'Twitter service', 'Facebook service' and will enjoy the 'Main page exposure'.
You can promote your eBook as 'Book of The Day' for free, by using 160 points or by paying $16 with PayPal.
Pro Package - Multiple Promotions from Any Type
You can choose any promotion type that you want - Free, Bargain, New Release or Book of The Day promotion and get the benefits of each one of the standard packages or the Pro package in less points or less money. The choice is in your hands! Your book/s will be featured on our website on the 'New Release eBooks'/'All Deals'/'Free eBooks'/main page top location and in the relevant 'Category' pages. It will be featured until the deal is off! This package includes the 'Twitter service', 'Facebook service' and will enjoy the 'Main page exposure'.
You can promote your eBook as 'Multiple Promotions from Any Type' for free, by using 500 points or by paying $50 with PayPal.
Promoting your book to our readers via email
We will send details about your promotion to all our subscribers which are interested in your eBook category, so the exposure will be focused and effective.
Twitter Service
We will tweet about your deal on Twitter to our active Twitter Followers (readers, bloggers, book tubers, publishers, authors etc). We will tweet on a daily basis until your promotion is over. https://twitter.com/ebookstage
Facebook Service
We will post about your deal on our eBookStage Facebook Page to our active Facebook Friends: https://www.facebook.com/ebookstage
Main Page Exposure
Your deal will be shown in our main page until the deal is off, so users will be able to click on it from our website and share your deal with their friends.
Author Page Exposure
You will get a Free stage to add details about you as an Author/Publisher, and a Free stage to all your additional books. We will continue to improve the author page functionality for a better exposure, so make sure you fill in all the details about yourself and about your books.
Can I Continue To Promote My Books For Free
Yes you can! In order to continue offering a free service to our authors and readers community, and to be able to improve it on a daily basis, we invented the Points Method. You distribute your private link as described here and you get 20 points for each new member you bring to our website. You "purchase" a promotion package with your points and we get more members to share your deal with. A solution where everyone benefits for you and for us.
How Much Time Do I Have To Earn Points For My Promotion
It is not limited on time, but to guarantee your promotion dates, you must complete it in no more than 5 days after the creation date, otherwise your promotion dates will not be saved.